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City in a Glass: Cincinnati (

In many cities, the explosion of farm-to-table restaurants and craft cocktail bars is a happy accident. Or maybe it’s an inevitable byproduct of gentrification. But in Cincinnati, Ohio, the swift change from a Bud Light-drinking city to a Manhattan-drinking city has been a very deliberate, almost calculated step into making it an attractive place to live and work. On this city drinks tour, we’re going to introduce you to three Cincinnati cocktails, show you where to find them and even how to replicate them at home.

City in a Glass: Los Angeles (

Los Angeles is known for its diverse and eclectic food scene. But what you probably haven’t heard much about is its drinks scene. That’s because its cocktail community is just now starting to be taken seriously. What happened? On this city drinks tour, we’re going to introduce you to three innovative Los Angeles cocktails—all of which happen to be inspired by some rather odd things—show you where to find them and even how to replicate them at home.

City in a Glass: Washington, D.C. (

Washington, D.C., has the best liquor laws in the country. Being a federal city, as opposed to a city within a state, bar owners may sell any bottle of booze that has federal label approval. If a spirit is legal in the United States, it has federal label approval. On this city drinks tour, we’re going to introduce you to three quality Washington, D.C., cocktails, show you where to find them and even how to replicate them at home.

City in a Glass: Phoenix (

When many people picture the desert, they think of a dry, barren landscape where cacti cling to the dirt and tumbleweeds blow across the highways. This limited perception is what makes Phoenix so striking: Here, life thrives. On this city drinks tour, we’re going to introduce you to three great Phoenix takes on classic cocktails, show you where to find them and even how to replicate them at home.

City in a Glass: Orlando (

Picture Orlando, Florida. If the first—and maybe sole—thing that came to mind was screaming kiddos and adults in princess costumes, you’ve only experienced one side of town. On this city drinks tour, we’re going to introduce you to three very cold Orlando cocktails, show you where to find them and even how to replicate them at home.

City in a Glass: Las Vegas (

The iconic parts of Las Vegas are like Bourbon Street meets Times Square meets South Beach meets Epcot. You got all that, right? On this city drinks tour, we’re going to introduce you to three grown-up Las Vegas cocktails, show you where to find them and even how to replicate them at home—because not everything that happens in Vegas has to stay there.

City in a Glass: Kansas City, Missouri (

Conflating Kansas City, Missouri, with Kansas City, Kansas, is punishable by law. Not really, of course, but this 320-square-mile metropolitan area straddles the border between the two states and each city boasts a proud, distinct identity. On this city drinks tour, we’re going to introduce you to three only-in-KCMO cocktails, show you where to find them and even how to replicate them at home.

City in a Glass: Charleston (

Charleston, South Carolina, is a drinking city for proper adults. Here, urban drinking societies are a thing and cocktail hour is a long-held social tradition. On this city drinks tour, we’re going to introduce you to three classic cocktails made with a Charleston twist, show you where to find them and even how to replicate them at home.

City in a Glass: Portland, Oregon (

Portland, Oregon, is right up there with San Francisco, New York, New Orleans and Chicago on the list of best cocktail cities in America. But Portland—in contrast to those other cities—doesn’t have a long, classic cocktail history to draw on. Instead, the city’s bartenders focus on moving the conversation forward. On this city drinks tour, we’re going to introduce you to Portland bartenders’ modern takes on three “classic” cocktails, show you where to find them and even how to replicate them at home.