Alyson Sheppard is a food writer and hangover specialist based in the South.

Best Bars 2016: Dante, New York (Playboy Magazine, November 2016)

Best Bars 2016: Dante, New York (Playboy Magazine, November 2016)

In Europe, day drinking—not getting drunk but patiently sipping glass after glass of low-alcohol beverages such as Campari or Aperol in a ritualistic fashion—is just part of the lifestyle. Dante, an Italian cocktail bar in Greenwich Village, is one of the first to champion this custom in America.

Bartender Confidential: The Worst Songs to Play in a Bar, According to Bartenders (

Bartender Confidential: The Worst Songs to Play in a Bar, According to Bartenders (

City in a Glass: Washington, D.C. (

City in a Glass: Washington, D.C. (